
Python Programming Course

Course Overview

Our Python Programming course is designed to equip you with essential programming skills using Python, one of the most versatile and in-demand programming languages today. Whether you’re a beginner or looking to advance your career in data science, web development, or automation, this course will provide you with hands-on experience and practical knowledge to excel in Python programming.

Who Should Attend?

  • Aspiring Programmers looking to start their programming journey with Python
  • Data Analysts wanting to leverage Python for data manipulation and analysis
  • Web Developers aiming to build dynamic web applications with Django or Flask
  • IT Professionals seeking automation and scripting capabilities with Python


  • Basic understanding of computer operations and software installation
  • No prior programming experience required

Module 1: Introduction to Python

  • Overview of Python
    • History, features, and applications of Python
    • Installing Python and setting up development environment (IDE)

Module 2: Python Basics

  • Syntax and Structure
    • Understanding Python syntax and code structure
    • Writing and executing Python scripts

Module 3: Variables, Data Types, and Operators

  • Variables and Constants
    • Declaring variables and assigning values
    • Working with different data types: strings, numbers, lists, tuples, dictionaries
  • Operators
    • Arithmetic, comparison, logical, and assignment operators

Module 4: Control Flow and Functions

  • Control Flow
    • Conditional statements: if-elif-else, nested conditions
    • Looping structures: for loops, while loops
  • Functions
    • Defining functions with parameters and return values
    • Lambda functions and function decorators

Module 5: Data Structures in Python

  • Lists and Tuples
    • Operations, slicing, and manipulation
  • Dictionaries
    • Creating dictionaries, accessing and modifying elements
  • Sets
    • Operations and methods for set manipulation

Module 6: File Handling and Exception Handling

  • File Handling
    • Reading from and writing to files using Python
    • Working with CSV and JSON files
  • Exception Handling
    • Handling exceptions using try-except blocks
    • Raising and handling custom exceptions

Module 7: Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) in Python

  • Classes and Objects
    • Defining classes and creating objects in Python
    • Constructors, instance variables, and methods
  • Inheritance and Polymorphism
    • Implementing inheritance and method overriding
    • Polymorphism with method overloading and overriding

Module 8: Introduction to Python Libraries

  • NumPy and Pandas
    • Introduction to data manipulation and analysis with NumPy and Pandas
  • Matplotlib and Seaborn
    • Data visualization using Matplotlib and Seaborn for graphical representation

Module 9: Web Development with Python (Optional)

  • Introduction to Flask/Django
    • Building web applications using Flask or Django frameworks
    • Handling HTTP requests and rendering HTML templates

Module 10: Data Science with Python (Optional)

  • Introduction to Data Science Libraries
    • Using libraries like Scikit-learn for machine learning
    • Handling data with Pandas for data analysis tasks

Module 11: Project Work and Applications

  • Real-World Projects
    • Applying Python skills to solve real-world problems
    • Developing applications or automating tasks

Course Duration

  • Total Duration: 60 hours (adjustable based on the depth of coverage)
  • Schedule: Flexible timing options available

Course Material

  • Comprehensive course materials, including lecture notes and coding exercises
  • Access to recorded sessions for review and practice
  • Practical assignments and hands-on projects


  • Upon successful completion, participants will receive a certificate of completion