Java Programming Course

Course Overview

Our Java Programming course is designed to provide you with a solid foundation in Java programming language, covering both core concepts and advanced topics. Whether you’re a beginner or looking to enhance your Java skills, this course will equip you with the knowledge and practical experience needed to develop robust and scalable applications.

Who Should Attend?

  • Aspiring Java Developers looking to start a career in software development
  • Software Engineers wanting to deepen their understanding of Java programming
  • Students pursuing a degree in Computer Science or related fields
  • IT Professionals seeking to expand their programming expertise with Java


  • Basic understanding of programming concepts (e.g., variables, loops, functions)
  • Familiarity with any programming language is helpful but not required

Module 1: Introduction to Java

  • Overview of Java
    • History, features, and advantages of Java
    • Java development environment setup (JDK, IDE)
  • Getting Started with Java
    • Writing and executing a simple Java program
    • Understanding Java syntax and structure

Module 2: Java Basics

  • Variables and Data Types
    • Declaring variables and initializing values
    • Primitive data types and their usage
  • Operators and Expressions
    • Arithmetic, relational, and logical operators
    • Conditional statements: if-else, switch-case

Module 3: Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) in Java

  • Classes and Objects
    • Defining classes and creating objects
    • Constructors and method overloading
  • Inheritance and Polymorphism
    • Implementing inheritance in Java
    • Method overriding and dynamic method dispatch

Module 4: Exception Handling and File Handling

  • Exception Handling
    • Handling exceptions with try-catch blocks
    • Custom exceptions and exception chaining
  • File Handling
    • Reading from and writing to files in Java
    • Using Java I/O streams for file operations

Module 5: Collections Framework

  • Introduction to Collections
    • Overview of Java Collections Framework (JCF)
    • Lists, Sets, Maps, and their implementations
  • Generics
    • Understanding generics in Java
    • Creating generic classes and methods

Module 6: Multithreading and Concurrency

  • Concurrency Basics
    • Introduction to threads and multithreading
    • Thread synchronization and deadlock avoidance
  • Java Concurrency Utilities
    • Using Executor Framework for thread management
    • Concurrent collections and atomic variables

Module 7: Database Connectivity with JDBC

  • Introduction to JDBC
    • Connecting to databases using JDBC
    • Executing SQL queries and retrieving results
  • Handling Transactions
    • Managing transactions in JDBC applications
    • Batch processing and prepared statements

Module 8: Java EE and Web Development (Optional)

  • Servlets and JSP
    • Building web applications with Servlets
    • Creating dynamic web pages using JSP
  • Introduction to Spring Framework
    • Overview of Spring Framework modules (Core, MVC, IoC)
    • Dependency Injection and Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP)

Module 9: Introduction to Android Development (Optional)

  • Android Basics
    • Setting up Android development environment
    • Building simple Android applications
  • UI Design and Event Handling
    • Creating user interfaces with XML and Java
    • Handling user interactions and events

Module 10: Project Work and Applications

  • Real-World Projects
    • Applying Java skills to practical projects
    • Developing scalable and efficient applications
  • Case Studies
    • Analyzing and solving real-world programming challenges
    • Learning from industry-relevant examples

Course Duration

  • Total Duration: 80 hours (adjustable as per schedule)
  • Schedule: Flexible timing options available


  • Upon successful completion, participants will receive a certificate of completion