Advance Excel

Advance Excel

Microsoft Excel is a spreadsheet program. It’s highly used in companies for data manipulation and formation. It is extremely used for the creation of reports and maintain data in a proper way. Excel is widely used to perform Formulation of data, pictorial representation, logical and conditional operations on data in all valuable organization & their departments like finance, HR, operation, purchase, sales, banking, insurance etc.
It has special features like Lookup, Vlookup, H lookup, point table, point chart, Macros, filters, data validation, consolidation etc. with the help of these features user creates attendance sheet, payroll management, consolidate report, quotation, budget plans, financial reports, income and expenditure report, especially for MIS report.
At Genext we provide practical training on excel with the help of real-time examples. More than 100 formulas & their live practice on different sheets & assignment will make you confident to operate excel thoroughly in your field.

Advanced Excel Course

Course Overview

This Advanced Excel course is designed to take your Excel skills to the next level. Whether you are looking to boost your career, streamline your data analysis, or enhance your reporting skills, this course has you covered.

Who Should Attend?

  • Data Analysts
  • Financial Analysts
  • Accountants
  • Business Professionals
  • Anyone looking to master advanced Excel features


  • Basic understanding of Excel
  • Familiarity with fundamental Excel functions and features

Course Outline

Module 1: Advanced Formulas and Functions

  • Logical Functions: IF, AND, OR, NOT
  • Lookup Functions: VLOOKUP, HLOOKUP, INDEX, MATCH
  • Statistical Functions: SUMIF, COUNTIF, AVERAGEIF
  • Array Formulas: Introduction and Practical Applications
  • Error Handling Functions: IFERROR, ISERROR

Module 2: Data Analysis and Visualization

  • PivotTables and Pivot Charts
    • Creating and customizing PivotTables
    • Grouping and summarizing data
    • Creating interactive Pivot Charts
  • Advanced Charting Techniques
    • Dynamic charts
    • Combo charts
    • Sparkline
  • Conditional Formatting
    • Using formulas in conditional formatting
    • Data bars, color scales, and icon sets
  • Data Validation
    • Creating drop-down lists
    • Custom data validation rules

Module 3: Data Management

  • Data Import and Export
    • Importing data from external sources (CSV, SQL, Web)
    • Cleaning and transforming data with Power Query
  • Working with Large Datasets
    • Advanced filtering and sorting
    • Using Excel Tables
  • What-If Analysis
    • Data Tables
    • Scenario Manager
    • Goal Seek

Module 4: Automation with Macros and VBA

  • Introduction to Macros
    • Recording and running macros
    • Editing macro code
  • VBA Programming Basics
    • VBA Editor and Debugging
    • Variables, Data Types, and Operators
    • Control Structures: IF statements, loops
  • Creating Custom Functions
    • Writing and using User Defined Functions (UDFs)
  • Automating Tasks
    • Automating repetitive tasks
    • Creating interactive Excel applications with VBA

Module 5: Collaboration and Protection

  • Sharing and Collaborating
    • Track changes and comments
    • Co-authoring in Excel
  • Protecting Data
    • Protecting worksheets and workbooks
    • Encrypting Excel files
  • Excel and Power BI Integration
    • Exporting Excel data to Power BI
    • Creating interactive reports with Power BI

Course Duration

  • Total Duration: 40 hours
  • Schedule: Flexible timing options available

Course Material

  • Comprehensive course materials and practice files
  • Access to recorded sessions for future reference
  • Real-world project scenarios and case studies


  • Upon successful completion, participants will receive a certificate of completion